Today’s Gospel reminds me of my human tendency to hoard. That’s why I need to make lots of trips to Goodwill! I accumulate too much stuff that I think may come in handy someday. Yet, I don’t need stuff. And, these actions do not reflect Christian behavior. My selfish desires to always have enough of everything, comes with a price of not always upholding the needs of others who are needier.
The truth is that the Lord upholds my life. When I trust Him, I feel His embrace. I cannot allow my selfish ambitions to blind me from seeing and attending to the needs of others. God loves me unconditionally and will see to it that the Lord upholds my life…always!
This weekend, our 1st Year Confirmation candidates are on their Spirit Day Retreat. I am blessed that our Peer Ministers stepped up to volunteer to lead this faithful experience. I am blessed that adults came forward to volunteer to be Confirmation catechists on the teen’s faith journey. What more could I ask for than this beautiful opportunity to “work for God?” The Lord upholds my life…always!I am blessed to have what I need. During times of financial difficulty, the Lord upholds my life. When my last child moved out and I am faced with an “empty nest” for the first time in 32 years, the Lord upholds my life. As we approach my son’s wedding day, a chapter ends and another one begins for the Lord upholds my life. As my husband and I regroup and remember what life was like before kids, the Lord upholds my life. As close friends return to God in heaven, the Lord upholds my life.