In today’s Gospel, I am reminded that the best way that I can thank God for my many blessings is to “pay it forward” in my service to others. We once had a sign hung in our church that read something like, “Jesus died for us, so I will spend the rest of my days giving my life back to Him.” In a sense, our lives are not our own but belong to God. He has clearly asked me to serve others in love as I have been served in love by Him.
I’m a huge outdoorsy girl. Most days, I get a chance to bike or kayak or hike or ski in all kinds of weather. It is during this precious time that I do my best thinking and my prayers of gratitude. I’m forever grateful for my gift of health, my thriving family, my ministry to youth, my beautiful home, my amazing friends, my OLC family, and…not having to spend 10+ hours a week commuting to a job that does not make my heart rich! Those extra 10+ hours a week allow me time to enjoy the outdoors and serve my community as a volunteer EMT! I am blessed. I am grateful!
As our Confirmation sessions resume, I pray that God empowers me to connect with our teens and bring them closer to Him. May He speak through me and give me the wisdom to engage and guide them into service as they grow in a faith that blossoms here at OLC.
And, I also pray that the rain stops so that we may all have an opportunity to enjoy God’s spectacular display of His glorious beauty in nature! May that gift inspire us to do great things in His name in return for our fruitful blessings!