This Sunday is the third to last Sunday of our liturgical year. In today’s Gospel, Mark relates how Jesus observed how the crowd put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums while a poor widow put in two small coins worth a few cents into the treasury.
Jesus commented to the disciples that the poor widow put in more than all the other contributions to the treasury. She contributed her whole livelihood, even though it was a small amount, compared to others who contributed from their surplus wealth.
Our Stewardship commitment is to share Time, Talent and Treasure with others. We recognize that all that we have is a gift from God and to be shared. We each determine how we will share God’s gifts to us with others.
Our Time, in prayer and growth of our spiritual life; our Talent, in sharing our special gifts by participating in our many parish ministries and our Treasure, by our financial support to our parish.
In these financial times, we need to include our parish in our monthly expenses. “Whatever I have left over” simply is not adequate anymore.
All that can be asked of any of us is OUR FAIR SHARE in sharing God’s gifts to us of Time, Talent & Treasure.