My Friends,
This is Stewardship Commitment weekend. We have hopefully reflected on our status as Disciples of Christ and good stewards who embrace stewardship as a way of life.
By virtue of who we are as Catholic Christians, we are called to be disciples who proclaim Christ’s message in word and action. This is NOT always easy. There will be challenges … especially when we face criticism or opposition.
The Lord cautions us “NOT TO BE AFRAID” of those who threaten to destroy the body or even attempt to break the spirit!
Be assured that God gives us the strength and courage to have faith and trust in the God who loves us and cares for us as He does for the smallest creatures. God will never abandon us.
We have been given gifts and talents unique to each of us; we are invited to share these talents through discipleship wherever we are sent. We remember the words of Christ: “Do NOT be afraid, I am with you!”
Reflection: What/Where are the opportunities for us to “spread the faith” and “continue Christ’s Mission”? Do we have the courage to do it?