Christ promised His outpouring Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which He fulfilled at Pentecost. Just as the Apostles were strengthened and Confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit, our 33 teens will receive the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Reverence, Knowledge, Courage, Right Judgment, Wonder and Awe needed to continue as faith followers. The connection between Confirmation and Pentecost is so strong. We are so blessed that our Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered here at OLC on Monday, so close to our celebration of Pentecost.
It is my joy to witness our teens on their Confirmation journey. Most had no idea what they were about to experience as they entered our program. Some came reluctantly and uncertain; all will be Confirmed freely and readily. They learned to live their faith in the Christian communities that we formed at our Confirmation Sessions, Youth Group activities, and making retreats; through serving our parish and others less fortunate; and by celebrating mass each week.
What amazes our teens the most is how much their faith grew and their understanding of what it means to be a Catholic is now so clear. Each experienced their “aha moments” of enlightening and awareness of God working in their lives during their journey. What a precious gift of faith that so many of you passed on to them! Thank you for all of the ways that you’ve blessed them!