In the gospel today, Jesus proclaims, “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.” He reminds us that the kingdom of God is what we proclaim and build here on earth so that we may merit a place in heaven.
Our journey, however, is often side tracked by worry and anxiety which keeps us from working for God while we live. Jesus even mentions those two words in the specific ways that we become preoccupied with unimportant things. He reminds us that God knows what we require and provides us with all of our needs. This is where we must understand the distinct difference between needs and wants. We want a great many things, but we really need much less.
If there was ever a gospel conveying a common-sense approach to living a righteous life it is this one. The essence of which is about the business of building God’s kingdom, being good Stewards of the gifts God has given you, being less anxious about the cares of this world and giving more thanks to God for the many good things He has given to you.
In Christ,