Dear Parishioners,
Jesus is basically telling his disciples that following Him to the fullest extent that we can does not always make for an easy life. Self-denial and carrying crosses of many different shapes and sizes awaits us all. However, it is in the very nature of being a disciple of Christ that we must consider and act upon what Jesus asks of us.
Jesus begins this gospel by telling His disciples this knowing that His cross will be the instrument of His death. They are shocked to hear Him say this. Peter, in particular will not hear of it, “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you”, but Jesus firmly reminds them that God has a plan for the salvation of human kind and nothing will stand in the way.
He ends the gospel by reminding them that nothing in the world is worth losing your soul over. These are wise words for the times that we live in when people want so much from the world and have trouble giving anything back. Generosity of heart is what this gospel calls us to. Jesus gave His life for our salvation—what will we give in return?