Today is known as Catechetical Sunday and the theme this year is “Living as Missionary Disciples”. “Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays by virtue of Baptism in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel.”
Catechesis is such a distinct and special Ministry that we set aside a day to highlight this ministry to honor and formally commission our Catechists (one who teaches in the name of the church). We invite the entire church community to think about their responsibility to share their faith with others. We also must remember; it is not just those who come to teach each week. Moms and Dads are truly the primary Catechists of their children. Although we are extremely proud of all who have stepped up to bring their own experiences, wisdom and knowledge to our youth, we commend our parents and guardians and encourage them to bring faith into their households and live as Disciples of Christ.
So, today I would like to personally thank all of my Catechists and parents of our Religious Education program as well as our Confirmation program, our RCIA program and everyone in a teaching role of Catechesis who is devoted to making our youth responsible, caring and loving children of God.
In Peace,