A few years ago, I had a tiny blemish on my face that wouldn’t go away. If I avoided being in the light, I could easily hide it from others. But, I don’t do well in the dark, so I subjected myself to the spotlight and magnifying glass of a dermatologist. My Dad always had band-aids on his sun damaged face from treatments. Being an Irish girl who loves the outdoors, it was only a matter of time before I paid the price too. I remember back in the 70s, smearing on Johnson’s Baby Oil and an orange gel called “Bain de Soleil” that gave me an amazing golden tropical tan while I was out skiing or laying on my roof top with my sisters! Who knew?!? So, for months, I used topical treatments to destroy cancer cells so that I wouldn’t need surgery.
In today’s Gospel, there is talk of how some avoid the light when they have something to hide, like our faults. Since things do not grow well in the dark, in order to redeem our faults, we must bring all of ourselves into the light of Christ. Lent is my time for some spiritual maintenance. Yes, “I work for God” each day. But even so, I need to take a good look at myself and make sure that I’m not just coasting through life. Where do I need to put more effort into shining Christ’s light?
Next weekend, I will be on the T.E.C. Retreat with a few dozen young adults. Together we will Encounter Christ by seeing how the Paschal Mystery unfolds in our lives. Each day, like Christ, we die. We must find strength to rise. And only then can we go forth and be true disciples. Each year, I too, look forward to this retreat away from life’s daily struggles in search of a much-needed resurrection renewal!
Today’s Gospel is one of the most famous scriptures, John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.” It is my job to bring Christian joy into the world because Jesus gave His life for me and I’ll spend the rest of my life giving it back to Him! And what is more attractive than joy? Each day, I am challenged to bring Christ’s light into the world. So, when I “put on Christ,” I must also reflect His joyful smile!