In today’s Gospel, Jesus mentions twice about being the Good Shepherd and 4 times about laying down His life for His sheep. Jesus did this for us…all of us! Perfect timing for this Gospel as our 2nd graders receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this week and next. I feel He is telling them, He will never leave them, they are a part of His flock. All Jesus wants in return is their love and to be good shepherds to others.
Lead faithfully and bring others into your fold, include everyone. Jesus started with a small flock for a short time. But we can greatly increase ours.Congratulations to all our Communicants; who under the guidance of Jesus Christ may you always…
Be nourished by the Eucharist…
Feel the presence of the Lord…
Embrace joy in your heart…
Knowing you are a part of the greatest flock under one amazing Shepherd. God Bless…Federico Aleman
Marcela Aleman
Matthew Altomare
Alessio Arcucci
Ella Capizzano
Sadie Challice
Nicholas Ciampi
Justin D’Amelio
Luke Donch
Samantha Dubanowitz
Adriana Falcone
Marissa Hablitz
Matthew Harraka
Peter Hennen
Ryan Kleinknecht
Samantha Kohles
Lori Laborda
Ryan Lanfrank
Victoria Leo
Elijah Limates
Olivia Marnick
Julian Martin
Mason McGrory
Victoria Monte
Rachel Morante
Isabella Obssuth
Andre Poltronieri
Andrew Proce
Nicholas Puleo
Mason Renner
Rayna Ricca
Joanne Roby
Samantha Santos
Mark Sapp
Miranda Scarpulla
Kevin Shannon
Luke Tizzano
Ava Tully
Kayla Villafana
Ethan Zacharski
In Peace,![]()