Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I pray and hope that this Easter Sunday will be a time of prayer and gratitude to God for the presence of our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ both in our hearts and in our every day walk of faith.
My letter and video message to you today is a commendation to which I have just spoken. Most of you know well the admonition that I have placed before you on so many Sundays which is to form a simple prayer of thanksgiving every morning for the most important blessings that God has granted us. We pray in a very special way for our spouse, our children, extended family and friends, the beauty of creation all around us and all people everywhere, especially in our present circumstance.
We have been powerfully reminded that we are ALL children of God. The world faces a health emergency which does not recognize race, color or creed. Since Easter Sunday is a reminder of the greatest blessing in our lives, which is of course the Risen Christ, as you gather sequestered in your homes, please pray together fervently in the way that I have always suggested. Let everyone in your household add to the prayer each in their own way.
Seek God’s blessing of health on Easter Sunday for an anxious world and let us pray and hope that at the end of this dark and difficult journey a new awareness of our own resilience and dependence on one another may emerge.
My most sincere and best wishes for a blessed, holy and hope filled Easter day.Christ be with you,