Dear Parishioners,
We have many things to give thanks for in light of the recent celebrations that our parish has hosted and been enlightened by. The season of Easter, which really never ends, has made us all more aware of how fortunate we are to be saved from our sins and merit the Kingdom of Heaven as promised by Christ.
Furthermore, the Feast of Pentecost is a yearly reminder of the value of discipleship and continuing to build the Kingdom of God on earth. We are to know, love and serve God while we are in this world.
In addition, the Sacrament of Confirmation, so joyously conferred on our young people on Monday evening, was a sight to behold. Their enthusiasm, reverence and joy were most evident. The Bishop and all in attendance were impressed by the expression of faith that they showed.
Perhaps most important on this day is the remembrance of our fathers. We commend them to God’s mercy and we thank them for the sacrifices they have made so that we might be successful with our lives and walk with joy and happiness all of our days.
Happy Father’s Day and may the Holy Spirit continue to dwell in our hearts and in our parish…God Bless…In Christ,