Ever since my Dad passed away 10 years ago, my Mom stopped accumulating “things.” When I open up one of her closets or drawers now, they are barren with the absolute bare necessities. My Mom was always frugal. She had to be with a family of seven. Growing up, we’d pile into the station wagon, the night before garbage pick-up. My Mom would drive around and stop wherever she saw a treasure in someone’s trash. We’d jump out and load it into the back of the car. “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” The funniest thing about all of this, is that my Mom now works for an Estate Sale company! Every day she sorts through other people’s lifetime of junk accumulations. She could have her pick of anything before it goes up for sale. But, she’s over it!
When my Dad died, we found a good home for all of his clothes and earthly things. He had “stuff” but he was far from a hoarder. It was truly no big deal. My Mom transformed her life into the Queen of Decluttering! I’m sure that part of it is that when her time comes to pass on, she doesn’t want us going through all of her accumulation of junk.
According to today’s Gospel, my Mom is on the right path. Christ warned His followers not to become the slaves of earthly things. For when God created the world, He truly gave us all we need. Not having to manage “stuff” certainly frees us up to enjoy life and give our blessings back to Him.The Gospel also reminds us to help the needy always and be grateful for what He has given us in life. This weekend, a few dozen teens begin their Confirmation journey on the Spirit Day Retreat. It’s always my goal to help them see God everywhere, whenever they choose and to help them find the joy in generously serving others with our blessings. Please keep these precious teens in your prayers.
In Christ