Dear Parishioners,
The tax collector in this story is a stand-in for us all when he acknowledges, “O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” A reminder that we are all sinners and how important it is for us to humble ourselves before God.We live in a society where all too often people seek out their fifteen minutes of fame, frequently at the expense of others. Our prayer life should always emphasize humbling ourselves before God and others. When we allow our lives to be lived in service to others, we are humbled by the mere act of placing their well-being before our own.
Parents know what this is all too well when they are raising children and let them live in their own way through their own accomplishments. Proud parents stand aside and let their youngsters have their many important moments on the way to adulthood.
I have personally seen with sadness what happens when parents live through the accomplishments of their children to make up for some lost childhood achievements. The same is true in our relationships with God. All we have and covet already belongs to God. We are only temporary stakeholders in this world and an attitude of thankfulness and humility should underscore our every prayer so that we are deserving of the last line of this gospel and then we will have true treasure in heaven—all who humble themselves will be exalted.
In Christ,