Dear Parishioners,
Today’s Gospel opens with John the Baptist being arrested. Jesus, knowing it’s time to move on, heads to Capernaum.
As he is walking along the shore line, he spots a couple of fisherman and asks them to follow him, and they do! No questions, no hesitation…they just go. This is when he begins his Ministry. His Ministry of healing, his Ministry of teaching, his Ministry of preaching.
Those first 4 fishermen made a choice, took a risk - a leap of faith. They left behind what was comfortable and secure and chose to follow Jesus.
Jesus issues the same call to us. To be in a real relationship with those around us. Bearing each other’s burdens, especially the vulnerable, less fortunate and helpless. Having each other’s backs through thick and thin. Always with the hope and promise of God’s amazing grace.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus called ordinary people to make a difference and do extraordinary things! Can we make a difference? I think so.Peace,