Today, we celebrate Jesus’ ascension into heaven, for His mission on earth is fulfilled. Jesus’ death and resurrection was not enough. He needed to speak and appear to various people in the weeks that followed before He returned to His Father in Heaven. He reminded His followers that once He ascends, the Holy Spirit will fill their hearts with empowerment to witness and spread His love on Pentecost.
In a few weeks, 35 more teens will be Confirmed on their “Pentecost Day.” For the last 2 years, I’ve been blessed to witness their faith come to life! Just as the Disciples were taught and prepared to serve others during the 3 years that they followed Jesus, our Confirmation candidates have practiced what it takes to be a good Catholic. They’ve signed in at mass, participated in community service, attended Youth Group activities, learned about our faith at our Confirmation sessions, and took part in retreats. All of this created the framework of what is expected of them after they are anointed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!
None of us really know when God will call us home to Him. Until then, we are called to live without fear as we imitate Jesus by willingly serving others during their times of need. As I get older, I often think “Have I done enough to serve the Lord here on earth?” “If today were my last day of life, would I have any regrets?” “Would everyone know how much I love them?” “Would I be at peace with those around me?”
The Holy Spirit strengthens and empowers us with special gifts to carry on His work. There’s so much work to be done in Jesus’ name! We all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How much are you willing to spend in His name?
Being a Mom is an example of the ongoing ways that I am called upon to give of myself. My theme song with my family is “The Things You Do for Love!” I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Happy Mother’s Day!