This is the week we call “holy”… beginning with Palm/Passion Sunday. During this Mass we move from waving our palms in ‘praise’ for Jesus the Christ to the ‘suffering and torment’ of Jesus our Savior. The passion of Luke stresses the utter loneliness of Jesus during the final steps of His journey. He is deserted by his disciples, betrayed by Judas, denied by Peter. His true identity was finally recognized by the centurion at the foot of the cross: “this man was innocent beyond doubt”.
During Holy Week we have the opportunity to reflect on the details of the suffering Jesus endured for us, His people, and realize that it was his passionate love for humanity that enabled him to embrace his suffering that we might live.
We are invited as well to look into our own hearts and see the crosses we bear, the loneliness and hurt we feel, and how we deal with the suffering in our lives. Do we trust that God, through the example of Jesus, will give us the strength and courage to persevere and eventually experience new life?
Please join us this week as we remember the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus the Christ. This is the “holiest” week in our Catholic Tradition…. How do we make it significant in our lives? How do we make it special? We decide….