Dear Parishioners,
St. Francis de Sales once said, “every one of us needs half an hour of prayer each day except when we’re busy - then we need an hour.” Thoughtfully reading a few paragraphs of prayer each week can open our minds and hearts to a deeper relationship with God - ever present in our lives.
Today marks the day we honor and celebrate the teaching Ministry of the Church. And this year’s theme “Prayer: The Faith Prayed” invites all teachers of faith to devote themselves to a deeper study and practice of prayer for their own spiritual good and for the good of those they teach.
Jesus’ disciples were so moved as they observed Him in long hours of prayer, that they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Hopefully we to are moved to spend more time in prayer - in private and with others - as an important element of our discipleship.
I am sure I speak for many when I say how grateful and proud I am for the dedication of our Catechists. They graciously share their experience, wisdom and knowledge to shine upon our children, teens and adults to instill the glory of God so they may become spirted witnesses of faith and holiness.