I need quiet time in Advent. Each year, I try to get my house cleaning, decorating and Christmas cards done early in the season so I can have some peaceful time and simple joys as Christmas approaches. When my mind is full of “to do lists”, I get caught up in myself and the stress that comes with it. Yet until I create that quiet time in my heart, I am not in a position to reflect God’s presence onto others.
Sometimes it is necessary for me to just reschedule projects until after the New Year and reprioritize things that are really important in order to free up and prepare myself for the coming of the Lord. Although I strive for perfection in all areas of my life, even I know that I do not have to be perfectly ready to greet the Lord when He comes. He loves me as I am, with flaws and imperfections, and He dwells in me.
As the second Advent candle is lit, I need to focus more on bringing God to the world. Christmas is coming! A remembrance of when God sent a little baby into the world, who entered into human history as one of us. Clear the way! Remove the obstacles! Jesus is the one I am called to meet this Advent! He’s the one who can give more meaning and depth to my life. It is Jesus who expresses God’s tender love that brings healing to the broken, strength to the weak and rest to the weary. Yet, even Jesus will suffer as He struggles to bring the good news into the world. But, His suffering, death, and resurrection is His ultimate example of love and hope that I dare to follow as I continue to walk in His footsteps. For underneath the wrapping paper, ribbons and glitter reigns the true miracle of Christmas, I am joyful; I am grateful; I am blessed!