Dear Parishioners,
This is the third Sunday in Ordinary Time. The liturgical year consists of two major seasons, Christmas (Advent and Christmas) and Easter (Lent and Easter), the remainder of the year is considered Ordinary Time. The first period of Ordinary Time begins the Sunday after the Epiphany and continues until Ash Wednesday. The second period of Ordinary Time begins the day after Pentecost Sunday and continues until the Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent.
In today’s Gospel according to Mark, Jesus invites Simon and his brother Andrew and James and his brother John to abandoned their nets and follow Him, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” How often has Jesus invited us to follow Him by sharing our gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure and how have we responded? How do we see, and welcome, Jesus into our lives each day? Is He that casual acquaintance that we greet superficially or at all! Is He the one we call upon only in time of need or does He have a special place within our hearts, reserved for those we truly love? Jesus is welcomed into our lives, when we share His gifts to us with others. God has given each of us something to do in our lives that no one else can do. It is His gift to us and our return gift to Him. May He give us the grace to find that special gift and respond to His call to follow Him.
May this New Year be filled with Joy, Happiness and Good Health!