My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
You are invited… how often do we receive invitations to birthday, wedding, Baptism, anniversary celebrations, or house warming, bridal and baby shower events, picnic parties… any gathering that brings people together to share food, drink and conversation.
Sometimes we are quick to respond “We are delighted to come!” There are times we respond “Sorry, we can’t make it; we have a previous engagement.” At times we hesitate, and formulate an excuse…perhaps even a valid one. There may be a time we just say, “No Thank You!”
You are invited… as individuals and members of Christ’s community, to a deeper and better life. God’s invitation is gentle, but persistent. Come and see…come and listen…come and learn…
You are invited… to come to the Eucharistic table, to the Banquet of Love prepared for you, where your hungers will be satisfied. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who come to the banquet of life hungering and thirsting for what is right. They will get their fill.”
You are invited… to go to your family, friends and neighbors, co-workers…to those who are hungry, and thirsty, need shelter or clothing or companionship… those who are weary and find life burdensome… extend the invitation… Let them come and be satisfied… May we all be moved by the Spirit to respond, “Here I am, Lord”