John the Baptist reminds us to proclaim the word of the Lord each and every day. The days of John the Baptist were limited as those who hated him grew more and more resentful of his message and while we do not know what tomorrow will bring we must, none the less, act as if today were our last day on earth.
I believe every one of us, knowing what I just said, would want to proclaim our love for those we care about in the most profound way we could. Jesus Christ is our guidepost for such a proclamation because He is the perfection of God’s love given to each and every one of us.
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord” is so much more than the opening line of a Godspell song. It is the opening line from the song we sing from our hearts each and every day. May this magnificent season of Christmas encourage this proclamation in every season of our lives.In Christ,
Dear Parishioners,
Repent! This is what John the Baptist is asking, or actually shouting in this week’s Gospel. Repent and acknowledge your sins and live as such to demonstrate genuine repentance. John is preparing hearts for “the One” so they could receive the salvation of sin offered by the Messiah.
Today, we go to Confession for repentance. We go to admit we have sinned and are truly sorry for them. But not just in word and feelings but a change of direction. By examining your conscience, you can decide which sinful practices you want to eliminate and then begin to amend your lives.
This Tuesday, we invite all of you to join us for our annual Advent Penance Service. This is open to all who want to refocus on God’s presence in our lives. Consider making time for prayer, together. The Sacrament of Reconciliation brings peace to our hearts and clears all the distractions. It opens our hearts to receive God’s grace. Please join us.