In this week’s Gospel, something amazing happens. The earthly Jesus shares his divine glory. Peter, James and John get to witness such wonder that they want to camp out and seek that inner peace this experience has brought them. However, they must come down and decipher what is meant by “He charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead.” But we know what Christ meant. We know the suffering He had to go through for our salvation.
With Lent in full swing, I ask our students to take a moment and reflect on all of that. The Transfiguration, a glimpse of Christ’s glory. God speaking out about his beloved son, “listen to Him” and then the disciples hearing that the Son of Man will rise from the dead. This is a lot to reflect on. But as you walk the Stations of the Cross or read stories in class, or attend the Penance service, keep it in mind.
Peter, John and James probably weren’t sure what was happening when they heard God’s voice, “Listen to Him.” But, we do. We are called every day to listen to Jesus. This is what shapes the life of us as Christians. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we come up short. But we need to keep trying. Do not stop listening because you never know when you will hear God’s voice and how will you respond? It will probably not be as dramatic as on top of a mountain but remember God often calls us through ordinary moments in our lives. So, perhaps, this is something to give some extra thought to during Lent.
Will I be ready when I hear God calling me?
On Sunday, February 4, 2018. Our 2nd Grade CCD class and their parents participated in our Blessing Cup Retreat.